Questionnaire – ellaOne Direct
  1. Step 1 of 5: Questionnaire
  2. Step 2 of 5: Your Order
  3. Step 3 of 5: Your Details
  4. Step 3 of 5: Payment
  5. Step 4 of 5: Order Confirmation
  1. 1 Questionnaire
  2. 2 Your Order
  3. 3 Your Details
  4. 3 Payment
  5. 4 Order Confirmation


  • Are you aged 16 years old or older?

  • Are you Female?

  • Have you had unprotected sex or a contraceptive failure in the last 5 days (120 hours)?

  • Could you have been pregnant before this?

  • Are you breastfeeding?

  • Are you taking any medication?

  • Do you have any health conditions? E.g. Liver disease or any allergies?

Note: Your order may need to be checked by the Pharmacist, who may need to speak to you before confirming your order.